K-6 Assessment

Understanding K-6 assessment

Aspen View Public Schools has updated its model for assessment, evaluation and reporting of student achievement for Kindergarten through Grade 6. The updated model incorporates two tools: the Learner Attributes Scale, and Levels of Achievement.

Learner Attributes Scale

From Kindergarten through Grade 6, the Learner Attributes Scale lists a number of characteristics that demonstrate each student' s growth as both an individual, and a learner. Teachers assess, evaluate and report how often students demonstrate these characteristics: Consistently, Usually, Sometimes or Rarely.

Levels of Achievement

The updated model differs from traditional assessment practices in that students do not receive a percentage mark or A-to-F letter grade for individual subjects. Rather, students are assessed and evaluated on their demonstrated knowledge, skills and attitudes relative to a variety of ' learner outcomes' for each grade level and subject. These learner outcomes are taken directly from the Alberta Education curriculum.

Excellent Achievement (E) indicates exemplary performance, in-depth understanding and demonstrated excellence in knowledge and skills.

Proficient Achievement (P) indicates skilled performance, solid understanding and demonstrated proficiency in knowledge and skills.

Basic Achievement (B) indicates adequate performance, developing understanding and demonstrated basic knowledge and skills.

Insufficient Achievement (I) indicates unsuccessful performance, inadequate understanding and demonstrated insufficientknowledge and skills.

Adapted Outcome (AO) indicates that one or more learner outcomes has been adapted from the current grade level; where indicated, the outcomes are based on a personalized Program of Studies based on that student' s instructional level, and the student is being assessed at that level.

Adapted Program (AP) indicates that the entire subject for the student has been adapted; learning outcomes are based on a personalized Program of Studies based on that student' s instructional level, and the student is being assessed at that level.

How are Levels of Achievement determined?

Teachers use a variety of assessment techniques to measure student achievement. These can include classroom work, homework, projects, quizzes, tests, etc. Teachers use a combination of these assessment techniques, as well as their professional judgement, to determine and demonstrate each student' s Levels of Achievement.

How is assessment reported?

Each Aspen View school compiles a formalized report card at least twice per year for Kindergarten to Grade 6. As well, a Learner Readiness Checklist is prepared for Kindergarten students early in the school year.

It should be noted, however, that formalized report cards reflect only a snapshot in time, and that students' academic development is more effectively gauged as part of a continuous, ongoing process.

Communication of students' academic progress also takes place through parent-teacher interviews, which schools schedule at least twice a year; as well as through additional home contact as required to support students' growth and development.

Up-to-date information on students' academic progress is available anytime through Aspen View' s PowerSchool Parent Portal.

PowerSchool Parent Portal setup video

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